August 2024 School Opening

August 23, 2024 

Dear Harrison High School Families,

As we embark on the 2024-2025 school year, I want to extend a warm welcome back to our returning families, and a special welcome to families new to our district and incoming 9th-grade students beginning their high school journey. We are excited for you to join our community and are committed to ensuring a smooth and positive transition.  We are thrilled to begin another dynamic and enriching year with your children and look forward to collaborating with you to support their growth and success. 

The first day of school is Thursday, September 5th, and I can’t wait to see our hallways and classrooms come alive with energy, spirit, and enthusiasm.  Our campus is already buzzing with activity as students participate in Band Camp, fall sports, and academic preparatory classes.   

Our teachers are deeply committed to creating an environment where your children feel seen, heard, and valued.  Throughout the summer, they have been engaged in professional development to enhance their skills. Next week, our new faculty will join us for the New Teacher Institute, led by Harrison administrators and teacher mentors. It is truly an honor to lead such a dedicated team of professionals who are deeply committed to your child’s success and who embody the core values of our District.

Construction projects from the bond initiative approved last year are in progress to help build Harrison Central School District’s future. At HHS, these will include increasing and enhancing security cameras and door access, adding classrooms to address our growing enrollment, and expanding our fitness and athletics facilities. 

Please carefully read ALL the information regarding the school's opening outlined below. This letter includes links to essential documents and information for the upcoming year.  

Parent Portal:  You should have already received a portal login in middle school, which will continue to be used throughout your high school experience.  The Parent Portal will NOT work until August 30th.  If you need your portal password reset, you may complete this form or email

Student Schedules: Schedules will be available through the Portal beginning August 30th at 3:00 PM.  

Resources & Supplies:  The Period by Period Bell Schedule and 2024-2025 Supply List are posted on the HHS website.  

We are a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) school district. Students use devices to access information, research, write, and collaborate with peers. Teachers utilize Google Classroom to provide students timely feedback along with materials and resources.  A Chromebook is cost-efficient and runs free applications that will be provided to every student, including Google Drive, docs, sheets, and slides. However, any tablet with a 7” screen or any laptop with internet access will work.   

Students may also sign out a Calculator and/or Chromebook from the high school library for use for the entire time they are registered students at Harrison High School by completing the appropriate form:  

Hardcopies of the forms are available in the library. Students with completed forms may pick up their devices at Ninth Grade Orientation, New Student Orientation, or the start of school.

Student Email: Student Email is available for all high school students and is the same email used at LMK.  New students will receive their email account information from their school counselor.  We utilize student email to communicate important information to students. Students should check their accounts daily.

Arrival/Dismissal: Students who qualify for bus transportation should have already received their bus information. Please contact Ms. Barbagallo for any questions related to transportation at For those not riding on buses, please follow the directions of the parking attendants, security personnel, and our School Resource Officer when you arrive on or exit our campus.

  • Arrival: Student drop-offs will occur on both sides of the building, and students may enter through the Student Union doors, the doors on either side of the Student Union, or through the Senior Breezeway Doors on the gymnasium side of the building.

  • Dismissal: Student pick-up will occur on the gymnasium side of the building to the right as you enter the campus.  Bus pick-up is on the Main Entrance side of the building.

Food Service Information: You will receive information about the Harrison school breakfast and lunch programs, including how to enroll and use MySchoolBucks, the lunch prepayment system.  

High School meal pricing is as follows:

  • High School Lunch:  $2.75

  • High School Specialty Lunch:  $3.75

  • Milk (a la carte only):  $.75

  • Breakfast: $1.50

Free and Reduced Lunch Information: If applicable, the District encourages parents to complete the free/reduced lunch forms to ensure their student is eligible for additional support they are entitled to (SAT/ACT fee waivers, college application fee waivers, scholarship opportunities, field trip fee waivers).  Inquiries about the free and reduced meal program are confidential.  For information about the free and reduced meal program, including eligibility criteria, click here: English or  Spanish.  To apply for the free and reduced meal program, click English or Spanish.

Yearbook Picture Dates: Senior portraits are scheduled by appointment.  Seniors and their parents have received this information.  Please contact Mrs. Lorraine Fontana at 914-630-3336 with any questions.  

Yearbook photographs for underclassmen are scheduled for the first two days of school, September 5th and 6th, and will take place during your child’s Physical Education class.   The makeup date is Monday, October 21st.  There is no sitting fee.  Legacy Studios will send information on purchasing pictures to the parent's email address.  The school code to be used on Legacy Studio’s website for pre-purchasing is 3526F25

Lockers:  Locker numbers and combinations will be emailed to students at their Harrison Gmail address. Students are encouraged to keep their locker combinations private.

School Calendar: School activities and events are listed on the District Calendar.  Please note the following important upcoming events:

  • Monday, August 26th - 1 PM - 2 PM New Student Orientation (Students entering Grades 10  - 12) with a simultaneous meeting for families of new students in grades 10-12.

  • Wednesday, August 28th- 10 PM - 12 PM - Grade 9 Orientation and Luncheon (Students entering Grade 9)

  • Wednesday,  August 30th  - 3 PM - Parent/Student Portal is open 

  • Thursday, September 5th - First day of school for students

Examination Calendars:  Students enrolled in IB or AP courses are required to sit for the external IB and AP examinations associated with the course to receive the IB/AP designation and course weighting.  In addition, courses that culminate in a New York State Regents Examination are required and are weighted into the final average of the course.  Students who miss a Regents examination will receive an Incomplete and no course credit until the examination has been completed at a later administration date set by New York State Board of Regents.  

Transcripts (for seniors only): Transcripts will be mailed to the address on file. Please review them carefully. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s counselor at 914-630-3101 as soon as possible. Parents and students are asked to sign and return transcripts to the Guidance Office. Underclassmen will receive their transcripts at a later date.

Harrison High School PTA: The Harrison High School PTA is a very active and supportive organization for all students and parents. The PTA is extremely helpful in keeping parents informed about current events and activities that occur at HHS.  Please consider joining as a member and getting involved: 1) membership form for parents 2) volunteer form for parents 

Harrison Educational Foundation: The Harrison Educational Foundation encourages excellence in education by generating and distributing funds for enrichment programs to benefit Harrison Central School District students. The Foundation will share information about programs and opportunities throughout the year.

Parent Resources and Support Services:  Our school counselors, school psychologists, and assistant principals are available to partner with you in ensuring your child’s success. Your child’s school counselor is listed at the top of their schedule in the Portal.  An additional resource in our building is our Student Assistance Counselor, Mrs. Dana McCarthy.  Assistant Principal Mrs. Pace is responsible for students whose last names begin with A-K, and Assistant Principal Mr. Mastrota supports students whose last names begin with L-Z.  You can reach teachers, school counselors, administrators, or me via telephone or email. 

We deeply value your partnership in making this school year a meaningful and fulfilling experience for our students and are committed to supporting your child’s success.  Here’s to a fantastic school year ahead!


Ms. Kimberly Beukema