Curriculum & Instruction


The Harrison Central School District is committed to a mission based upon four core values: equity, access, rigor and adaptability. The district's educational program is thoughtfully designed and carefully calibrated to realize this mission.

Overseen by the Assistant Superintendent, curriculum leadership is provided by directors who have extensive content expertise in their respective disciplines. The directors partner with building principals and teacher leaders to ensure that the K-12 curricula meet and/or exceed New York State’s Next Generation Learning Standards (NGLS) and the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program’s standards of excellence. 

Student learning is anchored in a vision that emphasizes personalization, social-emotional development and multiple-measures of growth and achievement. We aspire to ensure every student maximizes his/her potential through an academically rigorous, differentiated and supportive learning environment.

In the elementary grades, the curriculum addresses the whole child. Academically, the program emphasizes foundational reading and mathematical literacy skills while exposing children to developmentally appropriate science and social studies concepts. Broad exposure to technology, the visual arts and general music is supplemented with opportunities to study instrumental music and chorus. Students learn to understand and develop their bodies, as well as their minds, through physical and health education classes. Social and emotional learning - lifelong skills, attitudes, behaviors and dispositions such as collaboration, empathy, persistence and a “growth mindset” - are integrated throughout the curriculum. 

At the middle level, the curriculum continues to focus on the whole child. Academically, the program emphasizes conceptual content and transdisciplinary skill development that prepare students for the rigorous, performance-based expectations of the IB Middle Years Program while ensuring academic readiness for grade level standards established by the New York State Education Department. All students take an advanced mathematics curriculum culminating in the NYS Algebra I Regents Exam at the end of 8th grade. Students select a world language to study and take exploratory courses in technology, the arts and in health education.  

Harrison High School offers students a wide array of rigorous, self-selected learning pathways including the IB Diploma Program, recognized as one of the most comprehensive college preparatory programs in the world. All students take a core curriculum aligned to New York State Next Generation Learning Standards. These courses are designed to build strong foundational disciplinary knowledge and skills in English Language and Literature, Individuals and Societies, Experimental Science, the Arts and/or Technology, Physical Education and Health, Mathematics and World Languages. Opportunities for acceleration exist to increase specialization and to enable students to develop areas of passion and high readiness including multivariable calculus, science research, theater, astronomy, trades and computer science among others. Co-curricular clubs and activities extend learning beyond the classroom. Students compete at the state and national level. Harrison High School features a nationally recognized concert band, chorus, orchestra, dance program and marching band. Students write, produce and perform in dramatic and musical theater productions. Ongoing, systematic academic and college advisement is a cornerstone of a student's experience ensuring meaningful course selection and strategic college admission. 

The district is proud of its coherent and rigorous K-12 curriculum. Moreover, the entire organization is committed to the principles of equity and access, personalizing learning for each and every student. We encourage you to review this website for additional information about the specific disciplines and programs of study.

Feel free to contact me or any of the Directors to learn more about the curriculum, programs or classroom instruction.